Tuesday, March 12, 2013

 Lily Island

    This is Lily Island. It used to be called Palm Ridge. We "bought" it, changed the name, and used it to "make" an utopian community. THIS IS NOT A REAL UTOPIAN ISLAND!! IT IS A CLASS ASSIGNMENT! Our blog, about our island, represents love, kindness, peace, and individuality.
     Dear readers,
 We invite you to visit our island (our blog). We would like you to share your thoughts on our posts. We want you to read our blog and comment on it honestly. The link to our blog is below. Feel welcome to visit us at any time.

P.S.  http://hcutopia.blogspot.com/

Hadleigh and Clara

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What is Perfect?


   What perfect means to us is that there are imperfections in everything. The imperfections are what make it unique. Perfect is different for everyone. It just depends what your viewpoint is. Sometimes perfect is associated with utopias. Utopias are also different for everyone. For some people, perfect is an island with a private dock or a feast. For others it is a run- down shack, with a couple of breadcrumbs. It depends on your viewpoint.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Utopian Motto, Seal, and Flag

    Motto-Being Perfect Is Not Possible, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be the best you can be.-This means that you can't be perfect, but you should try your best.
    Seal-The heart represents love. The gender signs represent equality. The sun and moon represent light and peace. The music note represents creativity.
    Flag- We picked these colors and symbols for a specific reason. Red stands for love, green stands for nature, and blue stands for the sky. The moon on the black triangle stands for a ray of light in the darkness around it.                                                      The Flag               
The Official Seal



  1. top
  2. pot
  3. an
  4. pan
  5. pin
  6. in
  7. to
  8. tip
  9. pat
  10. tan
  11. pit
  12. nip
  13. not
  14. no
  15. ton
  16. put
  17. tap
  18. nap
  19. nut
  20. pun
  21. it

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Response To The Veldt

    The theme "more is not always better" means that just because you have more stuff in your life, doesn't mean it is better. In The Veldt, the family moves into a home that does everything for them, and the parents feel like they aren't needed, the children are spoiled, and they love the house more than there parents.
    The quote, "That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoe instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?" makes me think that the kids are spoiled, and will never know how to do things on their own. They have grown dependent on the house and they think ththey can't live without it.
Architecture and Growth

    We are an island paradise. We have a warm temperature with cool breezes throughout the year. We are not isolated, we are connected to the mainland and we allow travel there often. We use sun, wind, and water power for energy sources. We have a gate and guards to protect us from people who want to harm the residents. We have many buildings and architectual elements on our islands.