Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Community - Philosophy

 A.    In our Utopia, the families can be as big or as small as they want. They can worship any gods and have any beliefs that they want. We encourage people from different races to come and visit or stay in our utopia. There will be many different cultures on our island utopia. We willl try to teach everyone the same languages, so that they can talk to each other and not feel left out. Since every job pays the same, everyone will be on the same level according to wealth.
     People in the world we live in now get separated into groups because of race, religion, language, culture, and wealth. In our utopia, we will try to keep this from happening. We have addressed all these problems and we have come up with good solutions.
    Families can interact in their homes however they want. there is no schedul for where to be at certain times in the homes. Every house will have the same car that will be able to hold the entire family. You can go anywhere you want, but you must be back at a certain time. If you want to go on vacation for a week or more, you have to fill out a form and the officials will decide if you get to go. If you don't want to fill out a form, you can just wait until there is a break. Everyone will get the same education so no one is higher than another person. Once your job is picked out, you will receive special training for that job.
    The community planner will decide one activity for the entire commmunity to do once a week to bond on a mutual level. 

 B.    Community Planners develop long- and short-term plans to use land for the growth and revitalization of urban, suburban, and rural communities.
        They help local officials make decisions concerning social, economic, and environmental problems.
        They usually specialize in a single area, such as transportation, demography, housing, historic preservation, urban design, environmental and regulatory issues, or economic development.
         They do various kinds of planning.
         Community planners develop plans and programs for the use of land.
We got this information from:  http://www.bls.gov/ooh/Life-Physical-and-Social-Science/Urban-and-regional-planners.htm and http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070101100715AASRDPs

 C.    John Donne is saying that no man can be isolated because we all depend on each other. What I do affects someone else, and what another person does affects me. An example would be that during World War II, the United States tried to isolate itself from the rest of the world as Hitler and Germany were trying to dominate all of Europe. We didn't get involved until Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, and we were almost too late because Hitler had gotten so powerful. As Donne said in his poem, we are all part of the same world, and everything we do affects everybody else.

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