Tuesday, February 12, 2013


   The president rules with the owner of the island as co-president. There are branches of government though, so there isn't just one main leader. The president will decide something and the government will vote to see if it will be carried through. If enough of the residents don't like it though, it doesn't matter what the government says, it will be vetoed. The president is chosen by the people. They will vote and the person with the most votes will become president.

  •  Everyone has the right to write, say, and think, whatever they want.
  • Residents cannot have weapons on the island.
  • No one can reside in your home without the homeowner's permission.
  • Everyone will be given the right of a fair trial.
  • If you try to steal, you will be in solitude for a month.
  There is a court. In a trial, if there is enough evidence, we will pick 10 random people from the residents to vote to see if you will be convicted of the crime. We do have police, but they will not be armed with any weapons.The police will maintain order without violence. We have solitude buildings, so if someone commits a crime, they go there. If there is a bad enough offense, they will be sent off the island. We do have government "helps" for medical and disability issues.

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